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Browse Books in Social Science

Identities and Interests

Race, Ethnicity, and Affinity Voting

by (author) Randy Besco

Inappropriate Bodies

Art, Design, and Maternity

edited by Rachel Epp Buller & Charles Reeve

Moments of Crisis

Religion and National Identity in Québec

by (author) Ian A. Morrison

Gold Rush Ghost Towns of Nova Scotia

by (author) Mike Parker

I Hope We Choose Love

A Trans Girl's Notes from the End of the World

by (author) Kai Cheng Thom

Hustling Verse

An Anthology of Sex Workers' Poetry

edited by Amber Dawn & Justin Ducharme

Major Misconduct

The Human Cost of Fighting in Hockey

by (author) Jeremy Allingham
foreword by Daniel Carcillo

Always Remember Who You Are

by (author) Anita Ekstein

A Two-Spirit Journey

The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder

by (author) Ma-nee Chacaby
with Mary Louisa Plummer

Social Perspectives on Death and Dying, 3rd Edition

by (author) Jeanette A. Auger

The Man Who Lived with a Giant

Stories from Johnny Neyelle, Dene Elder

edited by Alana Fletcher & Morris Neyelle

Enjeux et défis du développement international

Acteurs et champs d'action. Édition nouvelle et actualisée

edited by Pierre Beaudet, Dominique Caouette, Paul Haslam & Abdelhamid Benhmade
contributions by Éric Allina, Albert Ze, Alejandro Marreros Lobato, Alexa Conradi, Amélie Nguyen, Arnaud Zacharie, Aurélie Arnaud, Carmen Diaz, Cédric Jourde, Charmain Levy, Christophe Aguiton, David Sogge, Déo Niyonkuru, Diane Alalouf-Hall, Dominique Plihon, Emilio Taddei, Éric Toussaint, Étienne Hainzelin, Flora Pidoux, Florent Song-Naba, Francine Mestrum, François Audet, François Polet, Francoise Montambeault, Geneviève Talbot, Ghislaine Raymond, Gilbert Rist, Gustave Massiah, Hélène Pellerin, Jean-François Rousseau, Jean-Philippe Leblond, Leo Panitch, Jean-Philippe Thérien, Jonathan Durand-Folco, Katina Binette, Lauchlan T. Munro, Laurence Hamel-Charest, Leila Celis, Lucie Lamarche, Luis Klein Juan, Maïka Sondarjee, Mamadou Barry, Mamadou Ndoye, Manon Boulianne, Marie Brodeur-Gelinas, Marie-Éve Bertrand, Marie-Pierre Bousquet, Marie-Pierre Leroux, Maristella Svampa, Mathieu Perron-Dufour, Matthieu Boussichas, Michel Husson, Michel Warschawski, Moussa Dembélé Dembélé Demba, Mylène Gaulard, Nailya Okda, Naomi Klein, Nora Nagels, Pascale Dufour, Philippe Fournier, Philippe Régnier, Pierre Beaucage, Pierre Jasmin, Raphaël Canet, Rino Levesque, Robert David, Roromme Chantal, Ryoa Chung, Samantha McGavin, Sanni Yaya, Sarah Charland-Faucher, Sophie Brière, Stéphanie Maltais, Stephen Brown, Sylvie Paquerot, Thomas Chiasson-Lebel, Thomas Collombat, Walden Bello & Yves-Marie Abraham

Critical Theory, Democracy, and the Challenge of Neoliberalism

by (author) Brian Caterino & Phillip Hansen

Dallas '63

The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House

by (author) Peter Dale Scott
read by George Spelvin

In My Own Moccasins

A Memoir of Resilience

by (author) Helen Knott

Israel, Diaspora, and the Routes of National Belonging, Second Edition

by (author) Jasmin Habib

Playing Out of Bounds

“Belonging” and the North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament

by (author) Yuka Nakamura

Making Surveillance States

Transnational Histories

edited by Robert Heynen & Emily van der Meulen

Power and Everyday Practices, Second Edition

edited by Deborah Brock, Aryn Martin, Rebecca Raby & Mark Thomas

The Italian Novella and Shakespeare's Comic Heroines

by (author) Melissa Walter

Maximum Canada

Toward a Country of 100 Million

by (author) Doug Saunders

The Vagina Bible

The vulva and the vagina--separating the myth from the medicine

by (author) Jen Gunter

Unmooring the Komagata Maru

Charting Colonial Trajectories

edited by Rita Dhamoon, Davina Bhandar, Renisa Mawani & Satwinder Kaur Bains

A Human Rights Based Approach to Development in India

edited by Moshe Hirsch, Ashok Kotwal & Bharat Ramaswami

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