Browse Books in Religion

Evangelical Century
College and Creed in English Canada from the Great Revival to the Great Depression

The Evangelical Century
College and Creed in English Canada from the Great Revival to the Great Depression

In His Name
The Anglican Experience in Upper Canada, 1791-1854

Muslim Families in North America

On Religious Freedom

Mutual Accusation
Seventeenth-Century Body and Soul Dialogues in Their Literary and Theological Context

Mutual Accusation
Seventeenth-Century Body and Soul Dialogues in Their Literary and Theological Context

The Question of Being
East-West Perspectives

Irony of Theology and the Nature of Religious Thought

Derrida and Indian Philosophy

Two Worlds
The Protestant Culture of Nineteenth-Century Ontario

Theology and the Dialectics of History

Rome in Canada
The Vatican and Canadian Affairs in the Late Victorian Age

Monuments to Faith
Ukrainian Churches in Manitoba

Champions of the Truth
Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Maritime Baptists

The Dévotes
Women and Church in Seventeenth-Century France

Canadian Churches and Foreign Policy

Luther's First Front
The Eucharist as Sacrifice

The Waterloo Mennonites
A Community in Paradox

Conscience And Coercion

Evangelical Mind
Nathanael Burwash and the Methodist Tradition in Canada, 1839-1918

An Evangelical Mind
Nathanael Burwash and the Methodist Tradition in Canada, 1839-1918

Religion and Aging in the Indian Tradition

Working the Angles
The Shape of Pastoral Integrity