Browse Books in Religion

The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses
The Righteous Demon
A Study of Bali
Millennialism, Utopianism, and Progress
The Sectarian Spirit
Sectarianism, Society, and Politics in Victorian Cotton Towns

The Firm and the Formless
Religion and Identity in Aboriginal Australia

Book of Gomorrah
An Eleventh-Century Treatise against Clerical Homosexual Practices

Christening Pagan Mysteries
Erasmus in Pursuit of Wisdom

Equivocal Predication
George Herbert's Way to God

Christening Pagan Mysteries
Erasmus in Pursuit of Wisdom

Catholic Power in the Netherlands
Against the Protestant Gnostics

Lustful Maidens and Ascetic Kings
Buddhist and Hindu Stories of Life

Bible and the plough
The lives of a Hutterite minister and a Mennonite farmer

Historical Understanding in the Thought of Wilhelm Dilthey

Historical Understanding in the Thought of Wilhelm Dilthey
Creation and Recreation
Mantras: Words Of Power

The Problem of War in the Old Testament
Human Development through Social Change

Brains and Numbers
Elitism, Comtism, and Democracy in Mid-Victorian England

The Enduring Word
A Centennial History of Wycliffe College
Reformers and Babylon
English Apocalyptic Visions from the Reformation to the Eve of the Civil War

The Enduring Word
A Centennial History of Wycliffe College

Brains and Numbers
Elitism, Comtism, and Democracy in Mid-Victorian England