Browse Books in Religion

Autrement que victimes (numérique PDF)
Dieu, enfer et résistance chez les victimes d'abus sexuels

The Best Buddhist Writing 2012

Tell It Slant
A Conversation on the Language of Jesus in His Stories and Prayers

Autrement que victimes
Dieu, enfer et résistance chez les victimes d'abus sexuels

Reasonable Accommodation
Managing Religious Diversity

Intercultural Visions
Called to Be the Church

Pastoral Prayers to Share Year C
Prayers of the people for each Sunday of the church year

Carnet Prière Avent et temps de Noël 2012-2013
Comment ai-je ce bonheur?

Trois minutes d'éveil

Vie liturgique #398 - Avent 2012
Du 4 novembre au 30 décembre 2012/Comment ai-je ce bonheur?

Au quotidien... Avent et Noël 2012
50 ans après Vatican II

Chant-thème proposé pour l'Avent 2012 (paquet 10)
Voilà ce qui fait notre bonheur

Faire Église autrement
Revue et augmentée

Theology of the Body for Every Body

Remi De Roo
Chronicles of a Vatican II Bishop

Rogue Rabbi
A Spiritual Quest — From Seminary to Ashram and Beyond

The Monks and Me
How 40 Days in Thich Nhat Hanh's French Monastery Guided Me Home

Shattering the Illusion
Child Sexual Abuse and Canadian Religious Institutions

The Triumph of Mercy
Philosophy and Scripture in Mull” “adr”

Gandharan Buddhist Reliquaries

Kingdom Matrix
Designing a Church for the Kingdom of God

Shattering the Illusion
Child Sexual Abuse and Canadian Religious Institutions

China Interrupted
Japanese Internment and the Reshaping of a Canadian Missionary Community

Jean-Luc Nancy and Plural Thinking
Expositions of World, Ontology, Politics, and Sense