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The Triumph of Mercy

Philosophy and Scripture in Mull” “adr”

by (author) Mohammed Rustom

State University of New York Press
Initial publish date
Sep 2012
General, Philosophy, Sufi
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Sep 2012
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  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Jul 2013
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Discusses philosopher Mull” “adr?'s commentary on the opening chapter of the Qur'?n.

Winner of the 21st International Book of the Year Prize in Iran

This book investigates the convergence of philosophy, scriptural exegesis, and mysticism in the thought of the celebrated Islamic philosopher Mull” “adr” (d. 1050/1640). Through a careful presentation of the theoretical and practical dimensions of “adr?'s Qur'?nic hermeneutics, Mohammed Rustom highlights the manner in which “adr” offers a penetrating metaphysical commentary upon the F—ti—a, the chapter of the Qur'?n that occupies central importance in Muslim daily life. Engaging such medieval intellectual giants as Fakhr al-D—n al-R—z” (d. 606/1210) and Ibn 'Arab” (d. 638/1240) on the one hand, and the wider disciplines of philosophy, theology, Sufism, and Qur'?nic exegesis on the other, “adr?'s commentary upon the F—ti—a provides him with the opportunity to modify and recast many of his philosophical positions within a scripture-based framework. He thereby reveals himself to be a profound religious thinker who, among other things, argues for the salvation of all human beings in the afterlife.

About the author

Contributor Notes

Mohammed Rustom is Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Carleton University. He is the coeditor (with Atif Khalil and Kazuyo Murata) of In Search of the Lost Heart: Explorations in Islamic Thought by William C. Chittick, also published by SUNY Press.

Editorial Reviews

"Written with eminent clarity — [The Triumph of Mercy] fuses the best of scholarship in Islamic studies with a refined textual approach that is simultaneously historical, analytical, and phenomenological." — Studia Islamica


"?[a] systematic study — Student and specialist will find it supremely useful in a field that has too long been stuck in the 'interdisciplinary' boondocks." — Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society


"?a beautifully written study on the celebrated Islamic philosopher Mull” “adr” — The translations are flawless and the discussions, rich with intellectual history, are lucid and meaningful." — American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences


"?a path-breaking study which will usher in new ways of envisioning the relationship between philosophy, mysticism, and the Qur'an — it is an excellent contribution to the burgeoning fields of post-Avicennian Islamic intellectual history, Sufi and non-Sufi tafs—r, and Mull” “adr” studies." — Journal of Sufi Studies


"?the book enjoys both academic rigor and an accessible narrative — The Triumph of Mercy is both a contribution to Mull” “adr” scholarship and a worthwhile addition to exegetical literature." — Iranian Studies


"?Rustom's masterful study — is an original and valuable asset to both academics and lay readers who have some background and interest in Islamic philosophy, Sufism and qur'anic exegesis — [the] work is a valuable addition to the fields of philosophy and Islamic studies, and will be a source of inspiration and discussion for years to come." — Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations


"?this book is an excellent introduction to Mull” “adr?'s mystic thought as it appears in his commentary of al-F—ti—ah. Above all, the author explains clearly Mull” “adr?'s concept of being in relation to scripture — this book is a fine philological work." — Journal of Shi—a Islamic Studies


"?Rustom's study will both generate and provide the ground for increased scholarly attention to “adr?'s religious writings." — Journal of Islamic Studies


"?Rustom reminds us how “adr” 'is able to successfully recast his sophisticated ontology of the fundamentality of being into a theological and scripture-based framework' (p. 118), thereby recommending his work to anyone seeking articulate access to Islamic theology." — Modern Theology


"Informed, informative, and a superb example of seminal scholarship, The Triumph of Mercy is a highly recommended and core addition to academic library Islamic Studies and Philosophy Studies reference collections and supplemental reading lists." — Midwest Book Review


"By focusing on “adr?'s commentary on the Qur'?n's opening chapter, Rustom shows how the great Iranian thinker created an original Qur'?nic hermeneutics as well as a new ontology of the Qur'?n. Rustom's book is a groundbreaking and richly detailed study of the way that “adr” both appropriated and transcended the Islamic traditions of theology, mysticism, philosophy, and scriptural exegesis." — Robert Wisnovsky, author of Avicenna's Metaphysics in Context


"Mohammed Rustom has opened the door to a remarkable philosophical exegesis of the Qur'?n in this pathbreaking study of the outstanding Iranian thinker of the seventeenth century, Mull” “adr?. In the process, he clarifies the profound connections between philosophy, Sufism, and Islamic theology in “adr?'s work. This absorbing study will be welcomed by anyone interested in the fundamental question of how reason interacts with revelation." — Carl W. Ernst, author of How to Read the Qur'?n: A New Guide, with Select Translations


"This first book-length survey of Mull” “adr?'s Qur'?nic commentaries is a major contribution to the study of this seventeenth-century Muslim philosopher and to the field of philosophical exegesis in Islam. Mohammed Rustom presents “adr?'s vision for the unity of the 'intellectual' and 'transmitted' sciences and gives us a complete picture of a first-rate thinker contemplating upon the Qur'?n. He does an excellent job of contextualizing “adr?'s Qur'?nic hermeneutics within the framework of his 'Transcendent Wisdom' and shows how scriptural reasoning complements philosophical vision. Based on an in-depth reading and translation of “adr?'s key texts on Qur'?nic exegesis, the book examines a much-neglected aspect of “adr?'s thought and introduces the reader to the rich philosophical tapestry of the Islamic intellectual tradition." — Ibrahim Kalin, author of Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy: Mull” “adr” on Existence, Intellect, and Intuition