Browse Books in Religion

Revelation and Knowledge
Romanticism and Religious Faith

Rural Nostalgias and Transnational Dreams
Identity and Modernity Among Jat Sikhs

Alert to Glory

Pastoral Prayers to Share Year B
Prayers of the People for Each Sunday of the Church Year

Erasmus in the Footsteps of Paul

Arousing the Spirit
Provocative Writings

The Jesus Way
A Conversation on the Ways That Jesus Is the Way

Pagan Religions
A Handbook for Diversity Training

Chant-thème proposé pour l'Avent 2011 (paquet 10)
Le monde attend

L'heure est venue, donne un signe! Fais-toi proche!
Carnet Prière Avent et temps de Noël 2011

Revue Vie liturgique #392 - Avent 2011
Du 6 novembre au 30 décembre 2011 - Du 32e dimanche du temps ordinaire A à la Sainte Famille (année B)

The Friar of Carcassonne
Revolt Against the Inquisition in the Last Days of the Cathars

Friar of Carcassonne, The
Revolt Against the Inquisition in the Last Days of the Cathars

Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism
A Historical and Constructive Study of the Noahide Laws

L'ouverture. Un parcours spirituel pour devenir soi, tome1
Un parcours spirituel pour devenir Soi
The Divine Light Invocation

Religion in the Ranks
Belief and Religious Experience in the Canadian Forces

Riots and Religion in Newfoundland
The Clash between Protestants and Catholics in the Early Settlement of Newfoundland

Mennonite Women in Canada
A History

Mennonites, Politics, and Peoplehood
1525 to 1980

First Philosophy: God, Mind, and Freedom, second edition
Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy

God, Justice, Love, Beauty
Four Little Dialogues

A Soaring Minaret
Abu Bakr al-Wasiti and the Rise of Baghdadi Sufism

Wise Thoughts for Every Day
On God, Love, the Human Spirit, and Living a Good Life