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Browse Books in Adolescent

Youth, Education, and Marginality

Local and Global Expressions

edited by Kate Tilleczek & H. Bruce Ferguson

Hearing Voices

Qualitative Inquiry in Early Psychosis

edited by Katherine M. Boydell & H. Bruce Ferguson

Ce que les parents doivent savoir sur les comportements à risque des adolescents

Stratégies pour réduire les problème á l'alcool, aux drogues, aux jeux de hasard et à Internet

by (author) David A. Wolfe & Bruce Ballon

What Parents Need to Know about Teen Risk-Taking

Strategies for Reducing the Risks of Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs and Gambling

by (author) David A. Wolfe & Bruce Ballon

The Adolescent Owner's Manual

Shouted at you

by (author) David Laing Dawson

Teen Brain, Teen Mind

What Parents Need to Know to Survive the Adolescent Years

by (author) Ron Clavier & Ron Clavier Dr.

Le Piège de la violence et les jeunes

by (author) Jacques Laplante

Mutual Respect With Teenagers

Having Dialogues About Feelings and Values

by (author) Michael Schleifer, Leonie Richler & Lee Londei

Les Jeunes, les drogues et la santé mentale

Ressource pour les professionnels

by (author) Elsbeth Tupker

Justice for Young Offenders

Their Needs, Our Responses

by (author) Mary Vandergoot

Youth & Drugs and Mental Health

A Resource for Professionals

by (author) Elsbeth Tupker

Les jeunes, les drogues et la santé mentale

Ressource pour les professionnels

by (author) Elsbeth Tucker

Youth & Drugs and Mental Health

A Resource for Professionals

by (author) Elsbeth Tucker

Antisocial and Violent Youth

Volume II

edited by Jalal Shamsie, Joanne Lawrence & Carole Hood

Playing at Being Bad

by (author) Michael Ungar

Drama Education in the Lives of Girls

Imagining Possibilities

by (author) Kathleen Gallagher

The Mental and Emotional Life of Teenagers

by (author) John J. Mitchell

Freedom to Act

The "Harm Reduction for Rural Youth" Project Experience

prepared for publication by Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

Why Delinquency?

by (author) Maurice Cusson

Why Delinquency?

by (author) Maurice Cusson