Browse Books in General

Openings and Closures: Socialist Strategy at a Crossroads
The Socialist Register 2025

Canada and Imperialism 1896-1899

The Arctic Frontier

The Canadian Diplomat

Hidden Politics in the UN Sustainable Development Goals

History Has Made Us Friends
Reassessing the Special Relationship between Canada and the United States

A Global History of Mass Confinement

The Afterworld
Long COVID and International Relations

Stalin's Failed Alliance
The Struggle for Collective Security, 1936-1939

Nostalgic Virility as a Cause of War
How Leaders of Great Powers Cope with Status Decline

Cold War 2.0
Artificial Intelligence in the New Battle between China, Russia, and America

Canada's Long Fight Against Democracy

Children, Childhoods, and Global Politics

Intelligence Cooperation under Multipolarity
Non-American Perspectives

Nation Branding and International Politics

Canada Alone
Navigating the Post-American World

Stalin's Gamble
The Search for Allies against Hitler, 1930-1936

An Inside Look at External Affairs During the Trudeau Years
The Memoirs of Mark MacGuigan

North of America
Canadians and the American Century, 1945–60

The Legacy of 9/11
Views from North America

European Union Governance and Policy-Making, Second Edition
A Canadian Perspective

Follow the Leader, Lose the Region
Charting a Canadian Strategy for the Asia-Pacific

China’s Asymmetric Statecraft
Alignments, Competitors, and Regional Diplomacy

Why Rivals Intervene
International Security and Civil Conflict