Browse Books in General

Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement
Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries

Continent in Crisis
The U.S. Civil War in North America

Polar Cousins
Comparing Antarctic and Arctic Geostrategic Futures

The Rise of the Infrastructure State
How US–China Rivalry Shapes Politics and Place Worldwide

Multilateral Sanctions Revisited
Lessons Learned from Margaret Doxey

Canada Must Think for Itself
10 theses for our country's survival & success in the 21st century

The Killer's Henchman
Capitalism and the Covid-19 Disaster

Middle Power in the Middle East
Canada's Foreign and Defence Policies in a Changing Region

Canada and China
A Fifty-Year Journey
All is Well
Catastrophe and the Making of the Normal State

Comment traiter les « soldats d’Hitler » ?
Les relations interalliées et la détention des prisonniers de guerre allemands (1939-1945)

Harper's World
The Politicization of Canadian Foreign Policy, 2006-2015

Autonomous Weapons Systems and International Norms

The Politics of the Asia-Pacific
Triumphs, Challenges, and Threats

The Concentration of Power
Institutionalization, Hierarchy & Hegemony

Canada in NATO, 1949–2019

Canada in NATO, 1949-2019

Canada as Statebuilder?
Development and Reconstruction Efforts in Afghanistan

The Bridge in the Parks
The Five Eyes and Cold War Counter-Intelligence

Unbound in War?
International Law in Canada and Britain's Participation in the Korean War and Afghanistan

The Biography of a Claim

Greatness and Decline
National Identity and British Foreign Policy

Exporting Virtue?
China’s International Human Rights Activism in the Age of Xi Jinping

Exporting Virtue?
China’s International Human Rights Activism in the Age of Xi Jinping