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Browse Books in Poetry

Resumption of Play, The

by (author) Gary Geddes

Love Learned

by (author) Barry N. Olshen

Navy Blue

by (author) Steve Meagher

Poems by Gerard Legro

edited by Alessandro Porco
by (author) Jerrold Levy & Richard Negro

From There: Some Thoughts on Poetry & Place

by (author) Stephen Burt

A Really Good Brown Girl

by (author) Marilyn Dumont
introduction by Lee Maracle

After Swissair

by (author) Budge Wilson


by (author) Gillian Sze

Selected Poems


by (author) George Jonas

Women's Hebrew Poetry on American Shores

Poems by Anne Kleiman and Annabelle Farmelant

edited by Shachar Pinsker
translated by Adriana X. Jacobs & Yosefa Raz Rosenberg

Perfect Day

by (author) Leif Vaage

100 Days

by (author) Juliane Okot Bitek

Picking Up The Pieces

A Collection of Poems

by (author) Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour
cover design or artwork by Terry Davis
prepared for publication by CAVERN OF DREAMS PUBLISHING

Kwakiutl Legends

as told to Pamela Whitaker by Chief James Wallas

by (author) Chief James Wallas & Pamela Whitaker


by (author) F.R. Scott

The Poetics of Commemoration

Skaldic Verse and Social Memory, c. 890-1070

by (author) Erin Michelle Goeres

Could You Please Please Stop Singing?

by (author) Sabyasachi Nag

Mary the Life Saver

by (author) Louis-Philippe Hébert
translated by Ardeth Neale

Global Poetry Anthology 2015

edited by Editors of the Montreal Poetry Prize

These Threads Become a Thinner Light

by (author) David A. Groulx

The Wind Under Our Footsteps

by (author) Diane Régimbald
translated by Antonio D'Alfonso

Forty-seven Stations for a Ravaged Town

by (author) Jacques Rancourt
translated by Donald Winkler

The Heiligen Effect

by (author) Richard Stevenson

Now Comes The Lightning

by (author) Sarah Bernstein
edited by Beth Follett

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