Browse Books in Philosophy
The Critical Imagination
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Early Modern Europe
City of the End of Things (Kobo)
Lectures on Civilization and Empire
Essays and Treatises on Philosophical Subjects
Meditations on First Philosophy
The Social History of Ideas in Quebec, 1760-1896
The Undiscovered Country
Essays in Canadian Intellectual Culture
Rome's Italian Wars
Books 6-10
Time Reborn
From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe
Early Works on Theological Method 3
Volume 24
The Rise and Fall of Economic Justice and Other Essays
The New Rationalism
Albert Schweitzer's Philosophy of Reverence for Life
Ideas, Concepts, and Reality
The Enigma of Perception
The Semantics-Pragmatics Boundary in Philosophy
Contagious Architecture
Computation, Aesthetics, and Space
Legal Theories
A Historical Introduction to Philosophy of Law
The Great Reversal
How We Let Technology Take Control of the Planet
Plato's Laws
Force and Truth in Politics
Futurity in Phenomenology
Promise and Method in Husserl, Levinas, and Derrida
The Doctrine of Humanity in the Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr
Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights
Critical Dialogues
Biomedical Ethics
A Canadian Focus