Browse Books in Philosophy
Learning through Disagreement
A Workbook for the Ethics of Business
Arguing with People
Cause for Thought
An Essay in Metaphysics
On Being Rich and Poor
Christianity in a Time of Economic Globalization
Crescent Moon Over Laos
Marxist Phoenix
Studies in Historical Materialism and Marxist Socialism
Epistemic Norms
New Essays on Action, Belief, and Assertion
Europe in Its Own Eyes, Europe in the Eyes of the Other
Wisdom & Metaphor
Sweet Nothing
An Elemental Case for Taking Our Time
Bernard Bolzano: Theory of Science
4 Volume Pack
Realizing Reason
A Narrative of Truth and Knowing
Science and the World
Philosophical Approaches
The Grasshopper - Third Edition
Games, Life and Utopia
Mystic Trudeau
The Fire and The Rose
Kant and Rational Psychology
Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
Texts and Cases
Poetic Autonomy in Ancient Rome
Living with Animals
Ojibwe Spirit Powers
Lyric Philosophy
Justice, Institutions, and Luck
The Site, Ground, and Scope of Equality
Living with Animals
Ojibwe Spirit Powers
DIY Citizenship
Critical Making and Social Media