Browse Books in Philosophy

The Consistency of Arithmetic
And Other Essays

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume 46

Well and Good - Fourth Edition
A Case Study Approach to Health Care Ethics

Emergence and Convergence
Qualitative Novelty and the Unity of Knowledge

Milton and the Metamorphosis of Ovid

Chasing Reality
Strife over Realism

The Measure of Madness
Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Delusional Thought

Listening to Ourselves
A Multilingual Anthology of African Philosophy

Knowledge and Presuppositions

Ad Infinitum
New Essays on Epistemological Infinitism

Learning through Disagreement
A Workbook for the Ethics of Business

Arguing with People

The Pursuit of Wisdom and Happiness in Education
Historical Sources and Contemplative Practices

Cause for Thought
An Essay in Metaphysics

On Being Rich and Poor
Christianity in a Time of Economic Globalization

Crescent Moon Over Laos

Marxist Phoenix
Studies in Historical Materialism and Marxist Socialism

Epistemic Norms
New Essays on Action, Belief, and Assertion

Europe in Its Own Eyes, Europe in the Eyes of the Other

Wisdom & Metaphor


Sweet Nothing
An Elemental Case for Taking Our Time

Bernard Bolzano: Theory of Science
4 Volume Pack

Realizing Reason
A Narrative of Truth and Knowing