Browse Books in Philosophy

The Oxford Handbook of Hume

Adaptive Education
An Inquiry-Based Institution

Engaging the Thought of Bernard Lonergan

The Slow Professor
Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy

Consciousness Strikes
The Gospel Of Ramesh Balsekar

Dissolving Spiritual Confusion

Practising Insight Mediation

Imagining Care
Responsibility, Dependency, and Canadian Literature



The Ethics Rupture
Exploring Alternatives to Formal Research-Ethics Review

Is That a Fact? - Second Edition
A Field Guide to Statistical and Scientific Information

Fact and Fiction
Literary and Scientific Cultures in Germany and Britain

Developing the Lonergan Legacy
Historical, Theoretical, and Existential Issues

Cultural Hermeneutics
Essays after Unamuno and Ricoeur

On Civic Republicanism
Ancient Lessons for Global Politics

The Incarnate Word
Volume 8

Europe and Empire
On the Political Forms of Globalization

Lenin and the Logic of Hegemony
Political Practice and Theory in the Class Struggle

Aesthetics against Imperialism

Civilization and Its Discontents

Fixing Reference
