Browse Books in Philosophy

Moral Writings

Philosophy of Nature
A Guide to the New Essentialism

The Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ
Volume 7

The Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ
Volume 7

Doing Ethics in a Pluralistic World
Essays in Honour of Roger C. Hutchinson

Structural Idealism
A Theory of Social and Historical Explanation
Rogue Primate
An Exploration of Human Domestication

The Philosopher's Dictionary - Third Edition

Rule-Following and Meaning

Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment
Deciphering Scripture and Midrash in The Guide of the Perplexed

Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty

Freedom and Moral Sentiment
Hume's Way of Naturalizing Responsibility

The Politics of Enchantment
Romanticism, Media, and Cultural Studies
Life in an Austro-Hungarian Military Prison
The Slocak Tostoyan Dr. Albert Skarvan's Story
Common Sense, Reasoning, and Rationality

Between Ethics and Aesthetics
Crossing the Boundaries

Kant's Empirical Realism

Phenomenology and Logic
The Boston College Lectures on Mathematical Logic and Existentialism, Volume 18

Productive Postmodernism
Consuming Histories and Cultural Studies

The Devil in the Details
Asymptotic Reasoning in Explanation, Reduction, and Emergence

The Self and its Body in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit

The Problem of Evil in Early Modern Philosophy