Browse Books in Philosophy
The Intrigue of Ethics
A Reading of the Idea of Discourse in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas
The Conception of Value
Humanism Betrayed
Theory, Ideology, and Culture in the Contemporary University
Humanism Betrayed
Theory, Ideology, and Culture in the Contemporary University
Between Literature and Science
Poe, Lem, and Explorations in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge
George Grant and the Theology of the Cross
The Christian Foundations of His Thought
The Poem of Empedocles
A text and translation with a commentary
Fundamental Topics in Metaphysics
Logical Options
An Introduction to Classical and Alternative Logics
Moral Epistemology Naturalized
Enlightened Gardener, The
Michael Walzer on War and Justice
Homo Interrogans
Questioning and the Intentional Structure of Cognition
The Principles of History
And Other Writings in Philosophy of History
The Radical Durkheim, 2nd Edition
The Idea of Enlightenment
A Postmortem Study
Kierkegaard's Livingroom
Faith and History in The Philosophical Fragments
Distant Relation
Time and Identity in Spanish American Fiction
Outlooks 7
Teacher's Resource Binder
The Poem of Empedocles
A text and translation with a commentary
George Grant
Redefining Canada
George Grant
A State of Minds
Toward a Human Capital Future for Canadians