Browse Books in Philosophy

Environmental Ethics for Canadians
Objective Imperatives
An Exploration of Kant's Moral Philosophy

Has Populism Won?
The War on Liberal Democracy

Philosophy of the Name

Singular Creatures
Robots, Rights, and the Politics of Posthumanism

Behind the Glass
The Villa Tugendhat and Its Family

On the Christian Religion

Uncommon Sense
Aesthetics after Marcuse
Pragmatist Quietism
A Meta-Ethical System

The Living from the Dead
Disaffirming Biopolitics
As the Romans Did
A Sourcebook in Roman Social History

Searching for Breath
Life, Death and the Air in Between

Alasdair MacIntyre
An Intellectual Biography

Cooperation and Social Justice

The Human Paradox
Rediscovering the Nature of the Human

Éloge de la procrastination et autres facéties
The Sensible and Intelligible Worlds
New Essays on Kant's Metaphysics and Epistemology

Shattering Silos
Reimagining Knowledge, Politics, and Social Critique

The Spiritual Significance of Overload Boredom

The Study of Religion as Practice

Agrarian Spirit
Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land
Cultures of Resistance in the Hellenistic East
The Semantics of Knowledge Attributions

Taoism, Teaching, and Learning
A Nature-Based Approach to Education