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Browse Books in Philosophy

Environmental Ethics for Canadians

edited by Byron Williston

Objective Imperatives

An Exploration of Kant's Moral Philosophy

by (author) Ralph C.S. Walker

Has Populism Won?

The War on Liberal Democracy

by (author) Daniel Drache & Marc D. Froese

Philosophy of the Name

by (author) Sergii Bulgakov
translated by Thomas Allan Smith

Singular Creatures

Robots, Rights, and the Politics of Posthumanism

by (author) Mark Kingwell

Behind the Glass

The Villa Tugendhat and Its Family

by (author) Michael Lambek

On the Christian Religion

by (author) Marsilio Ficino
introduction and notes by Dan Attrell, Brett Bartlett & David Porreca

Uncommon Sense

Aesthetics after Marcuse

by (author) Craig Leonard
foreword by Nathifa Greene

Pragmatist Quietism

A Meta-Ethical System

by (author) Andrew Sepielli

The Living from the Dead

Disaffirming Biopolitics

by (author) Stuart J. Murray

As the Romans Did

A Sourcebook in Roman Social History

by (author) Jo-Ann Shelton & Pauline Ripat

Searching for Breath

Life, Death and the Air in Between

by (author) Jono Lineen

Alasdair MacIntyre

An Intellectual Biography

by (author) Émile Perreau-Saussine
translated by Nathan J. Pinkoski
foreword by Pierre Manent

Cooperation and Social Justice

by (author) Joseph Heath

The Human Paradox

Rediscovering the Nature of the Human

by (author) Ralph Heintzman

Éloge de la procrastination et autres facéties

by (author) Robert Major

The Sensible and Intelligible Worlds

New Essays on Kant's Metaphysics and Epistemology

edited by Karl Schafer & Nicholas F. Stang

Shattering Silos

Reimagining Knowledge, Politics, and Social Critique

by (author) Lambert Zuidervaart

The Spiritual Significance of Overload Boredom

by (author) Sharday C. Mosurinjohn


The Study of Religion as Practice

contributions by Michiel Leezenberg, Anne-Marie Korte, Martin M. van Bruinessen, Umut Azak, Christoph Baumgartner, Rajeev Bhargava, John R. Bowen, Judith Butler, Rokus de Groot, Martijn de Koning, Sanne Derks, Wendy Doniger, Willy Jansen, Yolande Jansen, Mariwan Kanie, Webb Keane, Michael Lambek, Bruno Latour, Annelies Moors, Catrien Notermans, S. Brent Plate, Samuli Schielke, Regina M. Schwartz, Yvonne Sherwood, Thomas Tweed, Sander van Maas & Ali Hassan Zaidi

Agrarian Spirit

Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land

by (author) Norman Wirzba

Cultures of Resistance in the Hellenistic East

edited by Paul J. Kosmin & Ian S. Moyer

The Semantics of Knowledge Attributions

by (author) Michael Blome-Tillmann

Taoism, Teaching, and Learning

A Nature-Based Approach to Education

by (author) John P. Miller
with Xiang Li & Tian Ruan

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