Browse Books in Philosophy

Making Wonderful
Ideological Roots of Our Eco-Catastrophe
Obligation and Responsibility

Envisioning Democracy
New Essays after Sheldon Wolin's Political Thought

An Intense Calling
How Ethics Is Essential to Education

Being Vulnerable
Contemporary Political Thought

Civic Freedom in an Age of Diversity
The Public Philosophy of James Tully

On Writing and Failure
Or, On the Peculiar Perseverance Required to Endure the Life of a Writer

Herbert Marcuse's Utopia

Pluralist Politics, Relational Worlds
Vulnerability and Care of the Earth

Uttering the Unutterable
Aristotle, Religion, and Literature

The Boomerang Effect of Decolonization
Post-Orientalism and the Politics of Difference

Experiencing Philosophy - Second Edition

Essays in the Philosophy of Normativity

Towards a Productive Aesthetics
Contemporary and Historical Interventions in Blake and Brecht

Zygmunt Bauman and the Theory of Culture

Attitudes of Play

Building Bridges between Chan Buddhism and Confucianism
A Comparative Hermeneutics of Qisong's "Essays on Assisting the Teaching"

Martin Buber
Creaturely Life and Social Form

A Pocket Guide to Formal Logic

Consequences of Language
From Primary to Enhanced Intersubjectivity

The Discerning Narrator
Conrad, Aristotle, and Modernity


Philosophy of Sport: Core Readings - Second Edition
Being Social
The Philosophy of Social Human Rights