Browse Books in Philosophy
Uttering the Unutterable
Aristotle, Religion, and Literature
Experiencing Philosophy - Second Edition
Essays in the Philosophy of Normativity
Towards a Productive Aesthetics
Contemporary and Historical Interventions in Blake and Brecht
Attitudes of Play
Zygmunt Bauman and the Theory of Culture
Building Bridges between Chan Buddhism and Confucianism
A Comparative Hermeneutics of Qisong's "Essays on Assisting the Teaching"
Martin Buber
Creaturely Life and Social Form
A Pocket Guide to Formal Logic
Consequences of Language
From Primary to Enhanced Intersubjectivity
The Discerning Narrator
Conrad, Aristotle, and Modernity
Philosophy of Sport: Core Readings - Second Edition
Being Social
The Philosophy of Social Human Rights
Environmental Ethics for Canadians
Objective Imperatives
An Exploration of Kant's Moral Philosophy
Has Populism Won?
The War on Liberal Democracy
Philosophy of the Name
Singular Creatures
Robots, Rights, and the Politics of Posthumanism
Behind the Glass
The Villa Tugendhat and Its Family
On the Christian Religion
Uncommon Sense
Aesthetics after Marcuse
Pragmatist Quietism
A Meta-Ethical System
The Living from the Dead
Disaffirming Biopolitics