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Browse Books in Performing Arts

Perspectives on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Nuanced Postnetwork Television

edited by Amanda Konkle & Charles Burnetts
contributions by David Diffrient, Chelsea McCracken, William Stevenson, Caitlin Ray, Hazel Mackenzie, Kathleen W. Taylor Kollman, Lauren Boumaroun, Margaret Tally, Stephanie Salerno, Christine Prevas, Marija Laugalyte, Bibi Burger, Carel van Rooyen & Christi Cook

The Stage Light Flickers

other primary creator Emerson Emerson Arts

Barry Sonnenfeld, Call Your Mother

Memoirs of a Neurotic Filmmaker

by (author) Barry Sonnenfeld


by (author) Anosh Irani


Flânerie, spectacle et mémoire dans la Rome de Federico Fellini

by (author) Marina Vargau

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

by (author) Farshid Kazemi

Resetting the Scene

Classical Hollywood Revisited

contributions by Philippa Gates, Katherine Spring, Tino Balio, David Bordwell, Chris Cagle, Liz Clarke, Steven Cohan, Blair Davis, Lisa Dombrowski, Kyle Edwards, Ryan Jay Friedman, Patrick Keating, Barry Keith Grant, Helen Hanson, Scott Higgins, Eric Hoyt, Kathryn Kalinak, Charlie Keil, Richard Maltby, Denise McKenna, Paul Monticone, Charlene Regester, Bradley Schauer, Will Scheibel, Janet Staiger & Kirsten Moana Thompson

Hysteria in Performance

by (author) Jenn Cole

Inside Comedy

The Soul, Wit, and Bite of Comedy and Comedians of the Last Five Decades

by (author) David Steinberg

Memories on the Bounty

A Story of Friendship, Love, and Adventure

by (author) Janet Coulter Sanford

The Cinema of Sara Gómez

Reframing Revolution

edited by Susan Lord & María Caridad Cumaná
contributions by Inés María Martiatu Terry, Lourdes Martínez-Echazábal, Odette Casamayor-Cisneros, Sergio Giral, Luis García Mesa, Devyn Spence Benson, Rigoberto López, Joshua Malitsky, Ana Serra, Iván Arocha Montes de Oca, Ricardo Acosta, Alan West-Durán & Sandra Abd’Allah-Alvarez Ramírez
with Víctor Fowler Calzada

Reclaiming Popular Documentary

by (author) Christie Milliken & Steve F. Anderson
contributions by Ezra Winton, Patricia Aufderheide, Zoë Druick, Devon Coutts, Sabiha Ahmad Khan, Anthony Kinik, Michael Brendan Baker, Allison de Fren, Jonathan Kahana, Shilyh Warren, S. Topiary Landberg, Landon Palmer, Dylan Nelson, Alexandra Juhasz, Rick Prelinger & George S. Larke-Walsh

Norman Jewison

A Director's Life

by (author) Ira Wells

Clary Croft

My Charmed Life in Music, Art, and Folklore

by (author) Clary Croft

Clary Croft 

My Charmed Life in Music, Art, and Folklore

by (author) Clary Croft

A Wife in the Hand

A Farce

by (author) Jack H. Crisp

Moving Together

Dance and Pluralism in Canada

edited by Allana C. Lindgren, Batia Boe Stolar & Clara Sacchetti


The Modern Actor’s Handbook

by (author) David Rotenberg

Media Ventriloquism

How Audiovisual Technologies Transform the Voice-Body Relationship

by (author) Jaimie Baron, Jennifer Fleeger & Shannon Wong Lerner

Communal Justice in Shakespeare's England

Drama, Law, and Emotion

by (author) Penelope Geng

Blade Runner 2049: The Storyboards

by (author) Sam Hudecki

Text and Context

The Operative Word

by (author) Richard Greenblatt

Glorious Birds

A Celebratory Homage to Harold and Maude

by (author) Heidi Greco

Making Film in Egypt

How Labor, Technology, and Mediation Shape the Industry

by (author) Chihab El Khachab

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