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Browse Books in Performing Arts

The Radio Eye

Cinema in the North Atlantic, 1958-1988

by (author) Jerry White

The Berlin School and Its Global Contexts

A Transnational Art Cinema

contributions by Jaimey Fisher, Marco Abel, Lisa Haegele, Robert Dassanowsky, William Fech, Alice Bardan, Ira Jaffe, Inga Pollmann, Roger Cook, Michael Sicinski, Lutz Koepnick, Chris Homewood, Brad Prager, Gerd Gemünden, Roland Végso & Hester Baer

Theatre and Festivals

by (author) Keren Zaiontz

Whenever You’re Ready

Nora Polley on Life as a Stratford Festival Stage Manager

by (author) Shawn DeSouza-Coelho

King Arthur's Night and Peter Panties

A Collaboration Across Perceptions of Cognitive Difference

by (author) Marcus Youssef & Niall McNeil
introduction by Al Etmanski

It Doesn’t Suck


by (author) Adam Nayman

Stan Brakhage in Rolling Stock, 1980-1990

by (author) Jerry White


A Musical for 2 Goats and a Troll

by (author) Mercedes Batiz-Benet, Judd Palmer & Brooke Maxwell

Whatever It Takes

Life Lessons from Degrassi and Elsewhere in the World of Music and Television

by (author) Stephen Stohn
with Christopher Ward
foreword by Martin Gero

Most Dramatic Ever

The Bachelor

by (author) Suzannah Showler

Middleton & Rowley

Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse

by (author) David Nicol

Antigone Undone

Juliette Binoche, Anne Carson, Ivo van Hove, and the Art of Resistance

by (author) Will Aitken

Of Stigmatology

Punctuation as Experience

by (author) Peter Szendy
translated by Jan Plug

The Evolving Feminine Ballet Body

edited by Pirkko Markula & Marianne I. Clark

Manila by Night

by (author) Joel David
series edited by Matthew Hays & Thomas Waugh

Antonine Maillet : Les trésors cachés - Our Hidden Treasures

Les trésors cachés - Our Hidden Treasures

by (author) Antonine Maillet
preface by Wade McLauchlan
afterword by Margaret Conrad

Going Public

The Art of Participatory Practice

by (author) Elizabeth Miller, Edward Little & Steven High

The Videofag Book

edited by Jordan Tannahill & William Ellis
contributions by Chandler Levack & Greg MacArthur

Crossing Central Europe

Continuities and Transformations, 1900 and 2000

edited by Helga Mitterbauer & Carrie Smith

The Heresy of Wu Han

His play 'Hai Jui's Dismissal' and its role in China's Cultural Revolution

by (author) Clive Ansley

Hamlet Lives in Hollywood

John Barrymore and the Acting Tradition Onscreen

edited by Murray Pomerance & Steven Rybin

Early Cinema in Asia

edited by Nick Deocampo
contributions by Charles Musser, Stephen Bottomore, Aaron Gerow, Wimal Dissanayake, Nadi Tofighian, Ritsu Yamamoto, Shahin Parhami, P.K. Nair, Hassan Abdul Muthalib, Daw-Ming Lee, Anchalee Chaiworaporn, Tilman Baumgartel & Wai-ming Law

A Dream Given Form

The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5

by (author) Ensley F. Guffey & K. Dale Koontz

But It's So Silly

A Cross-cultural Collage of Nonsense, Play and Poetry

by (author) JonArno Lawson

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