Browse Books in Nature

Lake Erie Stories
Struggle and Survival on a Freshwater Ocean

Some Like It Cold
The Politics of Climate Change in Canada

Island Salmon Fisherman
Vancouver Island Hotspots

A Passion for this Earth
Writers, Scientists, and Activists Explore Our Relationship with Nature and the Environment

Northern California Nature Guide

Washington and Oregon Nature Guide

A Literary Companion

A Literary Companion

The Trouble with Lions
A Glasgow Vet in Africa

Ferocious Summer, The
Adelie Penguins and the Warming of Antarctica

Northern Saskatchewan Canoe Country

The Wolf's Head
Writing Lake Superior

Central Beauty
Wildflowers and Flowering Shrubs of the Southern Interior of British Columbia

Biology of the Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

Silence Of The Songbirds

The Greatest Elephant in the World

Woodland Birds of North America
A Guide to Observing, Understanding and Conservation

Green for Life
200 Simple Eco-ideas For Every Day

Garden Bugs of British Columbia
Gardening to Attract, Repel and Control

Garden Bugs of Ontario
Gardening to Attract, Repel and Control

Build Your Own Birdhouses and Feeders
From Simple, Natural Designs to Spectacular, Customized Houses and Feeders

Garden Bugs of Alberta
Gardening to Attract, Repel and Control

Alaska's Predators
Their Ecology & Conservation

An Ontology of Trash
The Disposable and Its Problematic Nature