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Browse Books in Nature

Game Bird Breeders Handbook

Commercial and Ornamental

by (author) Allen O.P. Woodward & Pran Vohra

Tidepool & Reef

Marinelife Guide to the Pacific Northwest Coast

by (author) Rick M. Harbo

A Nature Guide to Boundary Bay

by (author) Anne Murray & David Blevins

Tracing our Past

a heritage guide to Boundary Bay

by (author) Anne Murray & David Blevins

Guide to Western Mushrooms

by (author) J.E. (Ted) Underhill

The Archive of Place

Unearthing the Pasts of the Chilcotin Plateau

by (author) William Turkel

Genetically Modified Diplomacy

The Global Politics of Agricultural Biotechnology and the Environment

by (author) Peter Andrée

Silver Ghost

An Homage to the Salmon Rivers of Atlantic Canada

photographs by Thaddeus Holownia
text by Harry Thurston


The Ecological History of the North Atlantic Fishery

by (author) George Rose

Transboundary Policy Challenges in the Pacific Border Regions of North America

edited by James Loucky & J.C. Day
contributions by James Jouckey, Donald K. Alper, Christobal Mendoza, Alejandro Diaz-Bautista, Krista Martinez, Preston L. Schiller, David A. Fraser, K.S. Calbick, Jose Luis Castro-Ruiz, Vincente Sanchez-Munguia, Emma Spencer Norman, Jean O. Melious, Duncan Knowler, Peter Williams, Salvador Garcia-Martinez, John M. Munro, Warren G. Gill, Hugh O'Reilly, Tina Symko, Martin Medina & John C. Miles

Return of Caribou to Ungava

by (author) A.T. Bergerud, Stuart N. Luttich & Lodewijk Camps

The Lens of Time

A Repeat Photography of Landscape Change in the Canadian Rockies

by (author) Cliff White & E.J. (Ted) Hart

Owls of the United States and Canada

A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behavior

by (author) Wayne Lynch

Encyclopedia of Aviculture

by (author) Glen Holland

Raptor Research and Management Techniques

by (author) David M. Bird

Food Plants of Interior First Peoples

by (author) Nancy J. Turner

Owls of the United States and Canada

A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behavior

by (author) Wayne Lynch

Good Crop / Bad Crop

Seed Politics and the Future of Food in Canada

by (author) Devlin Kuyek

Skywatcher's Companion

Constellations and Their Mythology

by (author) Stan Shadick

Birds of Nova Scotia

by (author) Robie Tufts

Raftsman, The

A Saga of the St. Lawrence

by (author) Leon Robidoux

Building an Ark

101 Solutions to Animal Suffering

by (author) Ethan Smith
with Guy Dauncey
foreword by Jane Goodall

Building an Ark (PDF)

101 Solutions to Animal Suffering

by (author) Ethan Smith
with Guy Dauncey
foreword by Jane Goodall

Birds of the Yukon Territory

edited by Pamela H. Sinclair, Wendy A. Nixon, Cameron D. Eckert & Nancy L. Hughes

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