Browse Books in Nature

Cocktail Party Guide to Global Warming
everything you need to know to converse intelligently about global warming

Gorillas in the Mist
The Passion of Dian Fossey

Denying the Source
The Crisis of First Nations Water Rights

War in the Country
How the Fight to Save Rural Life Will Shape Our Future

The Wayfinders
Why Ancient Wisdom Matters In The Modern World

Weather of Ontario

Waterfalls of New Brunswick

Pond Memories
More Tales from a Wildlife Rehabilitator

Birds of Interior BC and the Rockies

The Reluctant Twitcher
A Quite Truthful Account of My Big Birding Year

Predators of North America

Vancouver Wild
A Photographer's Journey through the Southern Coast Mountains

Identification Guide to the Fossil Plants of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation of Drumheller, Alberta

Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing
An Ecological and Economic Perspective

Weird Ontario Weather
Catastrophes, Ice Storms, Floods, Tornadoes and Hurricanes

Weather of British Columbia

The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar 2010

Adrift on the Ark
Our Connection to the Natural World

Woodpeckers of North America

The Rise of Amphibians
365 Million Years of Evolution

Sins of the Flesh
A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought

The Animal Environments of Uexkull, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze

Birds of Newfoundland
Field Guide

Rescue Dogs
Crime and Rescue Canines in the Canadian Rockies