Browse Books in Nature

Energy in Canada

Over Prairie Trails

Tar Sands
Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent

Pilgrims of the Wild

Skywatchers 2011
A Sky-Guide Calendar by Stan Shadick

Dreaming of Wolves
Adventures in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania

Sensing Changes
Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953-2003

What Is Water?
The History of a Modern Abstraction

Alaska's Father Goose
Captain Gerald A. "Bud" Bodding: A Career in Aviation

Dirt Hawking
A Rabbit & Hare Hawker's Guide


Observations on Modern Falconry

The Future of Humanity: A Short Study of Evolution from the Origin of Life to the Present

Grey Owl and Me
Stories From the Trail and Beyond

Adventures in Bear Country

Beauty in the Rocks
The Photography of David M. Baird

Chasing Clayoquot
A Wilderness Almanac

Astronomy 2011

Seasons With Birds

Silence Of The Songbirds
How We Are Losing the World's Songbirds and What We Can Do to Save Them

Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status
Volume 2–Nonpasserines: Shorebirds through Woodpeckers

Roadside Geology of Southern British Columbia
Wildflowers of Fogo and Change Islands

The Grizzly Manifesto
In Defence of the Great Bear