Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Structures From the Trivium in the Canta

Letters of Brendan Behan

Giving Canada a Literary History
A Memoir by Carl F. Klinck

Sinclair Ross's "As for Me and My House"
Five Decades of Criticism

A Dictionary of Literary Devices
Gradus, A-Z
The Modern Century

Viking Poems on War and Peace
A Study in Skaldic Narrative

Kleist's Aristocratic Heritage and Das Käthchen von Heilbronn

Gatherings - Two Faces, Vol. 2
Unmasking the Faces of Our Divided Nations

Introducing Mordecai Richler's The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
Selected Poems

Profiles in Canadian Literature 8
Volume 8

Profiles in Canadian Literature 7
Volume 7
German Nachspiel in 18 Century

Parmenides of Elea
A text and translation with an introduction
A Ricoeur Reader
Reflection and Imagination
A Ricoeur Reader
Reflection and Imagination
A Ricoeur Reader
Reflection and Imagination

How to Play
The Theatre of James Reaney

Front Lines
The Fiction of Timothy Findley

An Independent Stance

Milton and the Rise of Russian Satanism


Collected Works of Erasmus
Paraphrase on John, Volume 46