Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Swinging the Maelstrom
New Perspectives on Malcolm Lowry

Twenty Years of Multiculturalism
Successes and Failures

Ukrainian Literature in the Twentieth Century
A Reader's Guide

Mind in Creation
Essays on English Romantic Literature in Honour of Ross G. Woodman

The Borders of Nightmare
The Fiction of John Richardson

Rational Geomancy
The Kids of the Book-Machine, The Collected Research Reports of the Toronto Research Group 1973-1982

Prairie Poetry

Beyond Borders
New Writing from Manitoba, Minnesota, Saskatchewan and the Dakotas

Unsupported Assertions /tp
Re: Joyce 'n Beckett

Orpheus in Winter
Morley Callaghan's The Loved and the Lost

Intimations of Mortality
W.O. Mitchell's Who Has Seen the Wind

Critical Essays by Northrop Frye, Linda Hutcheon and Shirley Neuman

In the Midst

George Bowering
Bright Circles of Colour
Language and Colonization in Canadian and Quebecois Fiction

First People, First Voices

Journey to Oblivion
The End of the East European Yiddish and German Worlds in the Mirror of Literature

Tennyson's Language
Vagrant Writing
Social and Semiotic Disorders in the English Renaissance
Writing in the Father's House
The Emergence of the Feminine in the Quebec Literary Tradition

Tennyson's Language

Journey to Oblivion
The End of the East European Yiddish and German Worlds in the Mirror of Literature