Browse Books in Literary Collections

Sight Reading
A Novel

Le Québec traduit en Espagne
Analyse sociologique de l’exportation d’une culture périphérique

Re-Imaging the Sky
An Anthology by Newcomer Women

Francophonies d’Amérique 33
Frontières incertaines

Writing Our Way Home

Daddy, Unexpectedly

The Devil and the Detective

Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market

The Crow Who Tampered With Time

Phantom Limb

You're In Canada Now . . .
A Memoir of Sorts

Jack Layton: Art in Action

A Mother's Love

Dear Sir, I Intend to Burn Your Book
An Anatomy of a Book Burning

On the Scent of a Mandarin Moon

Stranger on Raven's Ridge

The Shelter of His Arms

This Is Running for Your Life

In from the Cold

The Ends of the Body
Identity and Community in Medieval Culture

They Divided the Sky
A Novel by Christa Wolf

Recognition and Modes of Knowledge
Anagnorisis from Antiquity to Contemporary Theory
Covert Seduction

Travels and Tales of Miriam Green Ellis
Pioneer Journalist of the Canadian West