Browse Books in History

200 Years Yonge
A History

Peasant Rebels Under Stalin
Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant Resistance
A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder

Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1)

The Fallacy of Race and the Shoah

The United States and Biological Warfare
Secrets from the Early Cold War and Korea

Nation, Empire, Colony
Historicizing Gender and Race

Civil War Years
Canada and the United States

The Civil War Years
Canada and the United States

Gaullist Attack on Canada, 1967-1997
A Guide to Libraries in Manitoba

Rescue From Grampa Woo
Franz Boas with the Inuit of Baffin Island, 1883-1884
Journals and Letters

On the Case
Explorations in Social History

Enter At Your Own Risk
Canadian Youth and the Labour Market

Treasures Of Canada

The Science of War
Canadian Scientists and Allied Military Technology during the Second World War
Search for Faculty Power
The History of the University of Toronto Faculty Association 1942-1992

Colonial Hegemony and Popular Resistance
Princes, Peasants, and Paramount Power

A History of Reading

Iroquois in the War of 1812

Superior Illusions

The Emigrant's Guide to North America

How the Fathers Made a Deal