Browse Books in History

British Generals in the War of 1812
High Command in the Canadas

Recent Social Trends in Italy, 1960-1995

Struggle for Quebec

British Generals in the War of 1812
High Command in the Canadas

The Struggle for Quebec

The Fur Trade in Canada
An Introduction to Canadian Economic History

Irish In Newfoundland 1600-1900

Park Prisoners

The Crime of Crimes
Demonology and Politics in France, 1560-1620

Young Man's Benefit
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Sickness Insurance in the United States and Canada, 1860-1929

Grillparzer's Libussa
The Tragedy of Separation

A Young Man's Benefit
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Sickness Insurance in the United States and Canada, 1860-1929

Challenge to Mars
Pacifism from 1918 to 1945

The Inglorious Arts of Peace
Exhibitions in Canadian Society during the Nineteenth Century

Immortal Beaver
The World's Greatest Bush Plane

The Cross in the Dark Valley
The Canadian Protestant Missionary Movement in the Japanese Empire, 1931-1945
The Early Years of Harvesting
The Golden Age of the Canadian Cowboy
An Illustrated History

Irish Emigration and Canadian Settlement
Patterns, Links, and Letters

Aboriginal Peoples
Building for the Future

Good Citizens
British Missionaries and Imperial States, 1870-1918

Civil Wars in Africa
Roots and Resolution

World's Fair Collectibles 1964-1965
Canada's National Defence: Volume 1
Defence Policy