Browse Books in History

Gateway City
Stories from Edmonton's Past

Boys in the Pits
Child Labour in Coal Mines

As for the Canadians
The Remarkable Story of the RCAF's "Guinea Pigs" of World War II

Ghost Children

Parable Beach

Special Delivery
Canada's Postal Heritage

Mac Runciman
A Life in the Grain Trade

Jan Wong's China
Reports From A Not-So-Foreign Correspondent
Humanism and the Northern Renaissance

Just A Minute Omnibus
Glimpses of our Great Canadian Heritage

War Diary of Clare Gass

Only the Lonely

Petworth Emigration Set
Assisting Emigration to Upper Canada: The Petworth Project, 1832-1837; English Immigrant Voices: Labourers' Letters from Upper Canada in the 183s

IWA in Canada, The
The Life and Times of an Industrial Union

The Thousandth Man
A Biography of James McGregor Stewart

The Memoir of Marco Parenti
A Life of Medici Florence

Memoirs of a Very Civil Servant
Mackenzie King to Pierre Trudeau

Searching For Place
Ukrainian Displaced Persons, Canada, and the Migration of Memory

Islands of Truth
The Imperial Fashioning of Vancouver Island

Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision

Georges Vanier: Soldier
The Wartime Letters and Diaries, 1915-1919

Warrior Chiefs
Perspectives on Senior Canadian Military Leaders

Noble, Wretched and Redeemable
Protestant Missionaries to the Indians in Canada and the United States, 1820-1900

Closing the Circle
Democratization and Development in Africa