Browse Books in History

Judge's Wife, The
Memoirs of a BC Pioneer

Islam and Bosnia
Conflict Resolution and Foreign Policy in Multi-Ethnic States

Distant Relations
How My Ancestors Colonized North America

Transitions in Society
The Challenge of Change

Professing English
A Life of Roy Daniells

The Woman and the Hour
Harriet Martineau and Victorian Ideologies

History, Literature, and Music in Scotland, 700-1560

Girl Trouble
Female Delinquency in English Canada

Black Diamond City
Nanaimo — The Victorian Era

Fort Steele
Gold Rush to Boom Town

Honoured in Places
Remembered Mounties Across Canada

A Crisis of Truth
Literature and Law in Ricardian England

Empire, Welfare State, Europe
History of the United Kingdom 1906-2001

The Making of Billy Bishop
The First World War Exploits of Billy Bishop, VC

Flying Canucks II
Pioneers of Canadian Aviation

Rebellion in the Mohawk Valley
The St. Leger Expedition of 1777

Arab Falconry LTD Patron
History of A Way of Life
Arab Falconry LTD ED
History of A Way of Life

Arab Falconry
History of A Way of Life

The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti
Volume III: The Faunal and Plant Remains

Blood on the Hills
The Canadian Army in the Korean War

Blood on the Hills
The Canadian Army in the Korean War
Lord High Executioner
An Unashamed Look At Hangmen, Headsmen, And Their Kind
None is too Many
Canada And The Jews Of Europe 1933-1948