Browse Books in History

Pirates of the North Atlantic

Danger, Death, and Disaster in the Crowsnest Pass Mines 1902-1928

From Rogue to Everyman
A Foundling's Journey to the Bastille

Dominion and the Rising Sun
Canada Encounters Japan, 1929-1941

The Birth of French America

Escott Reid
Diplomat and Scholar

Sterling Public Servant
A Global Tribute to Sylvia Ostry

The Sterling Public Servant
A Global Tribute to Sylvia Ostry

Explorations of the Contemporary City
Patients First
The Story of Family Medicine in Canada

Future: Tense
The Coming World Order?

'A Great Effusion of Blood'?
Interpreting Medieval Violence

The 'Annals' of Flodoard of Reims, 919-966

Battle for Life
The History of No. 10 Canadian Stationary Hospital and No. 10 Canadian General Hospital in Two World Wars

On the Front Line of Life
Stephen Leacock: Memories and Reflections, 1935-1944

100 Canadian Heroines
Famous and Forgotten Faces

Making of an Explorer
George Hubert Wilkins and the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1916

The Canadian Atlas
Our Nation, Environment and People

The Making of an Explorer
George Hubert Wilkins and the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1916

Historic Town of Pictou

Historic North End Halifax

Historic LaHave River Valley

The Labyrinth of Dangerous Hours
A Memoir of the Second World War

The Horn of Africa as Common Homeland
The State and Self-Determination in the Era of Heightened Globalization