Browse Books in History

Salt Water Tales

Frozen in Time, 3rd Ed.
The Fate of the Franklin Expedition

Eye Opener Bob
The Story of Bob Edwards
The History Wars

An Illustrated History

500 Years of New Words
the fascinating story of how, when, and why these words first entered the English language

Toronto Sketches 8
The Way We Were

Osgoode Hall
An Illustrated History

The Sea Has No End
The Life of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville

Sobering Dilemma
A History of Prohibition in British Columbia

First Invaders
The Literary Origins of British Columbia

The Communist Manifesto

One of the Boys
Homosexuality in the Military during World War II

English Bloods
In the Backwoods of Muskoka, 1878

The Newfoundland Tidal Wave Disaster

The Canada Company and the Huron Tract, 1826-1853
Personalities, Profits and Politics

Exiles and Islanders
The Irish Settlers of Prince Edward Island

Historic Walks of Edmonton

An Italian Renaissance Sextet
Six Tales in Historical Context

Flowers in Medieval Manuscripts

Hurricane Hazel
Canada's Storm of the Century
Son of Quebec, A

A Nation at War, 1939–1945
Essays from Legion Magazine

It Made You Think of Home
The Haunting Journal of Deward Barnes, CEF: 1916-1919