Browse Books in History

Recipes for Russia
Food and Nationhood under the Tsars

How the Italians Created Canada
From Giovanni Caboto to the Cultural Renaissance

The Shipment of Poor Children to Canada, 1867-1917

One God, One Aim, One Destiny

I Brought the Ages Home

Environmental Justice in Latin America
Problems, Promise, and Practice

Running With Dillinger
The Story of Red Hamilton and Other Forgotten Canadian Outlaws

Transatlantic Subjects
Ideas, Institutions, and Social Experience in Post-Revolutionary British North America

The Royal Alexandra Theatre
A Celebration of 100 Years

Labouring Canada
Class, Gender, and Race in Canadian Working-Class History

Blood of the Land
The Government and Corporate War Against First Nations

The Rainbow Chasers

Bear Child
The Life and Times of Jerry Potts

The New Cold War
Revolutions, Rigged Elections and Pipeline Politics in the Former Soviet Union

Imagining Head-Smashed-In
Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains
Guysboro Railway
1897 - 1939

The Gospel according to Clarence Thomas

The Sixties
Passion, Politics, and Style

Mountain Masculinity
The Life and Writing of Nello “Tex” Vernon-Wood in the Canadian Rockies, 1906-1938

Imagining Head Smashed In
Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains

Les Insubordonnés et les insurgés
Des exemples canadiens de mutinerie et de désobeissance, de 1920 à nos jours

A Bittersweet History

Nahanni Journals
R.M. Patterson's 1927-1929 Journals

Rocke Robertson
Surgeon and Shepherd of Change