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Browse Books in History

Robert Brown and the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition

edited by John Hayman

Contact and Conflict

Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 (2nd edition)

by (author) Robin Fisher

States of Nature

Conserving Canada's Wildlife in the Twentieth Century

by (author) Tina Loo

Fighting from Home

The Second World War in Verdun, Quebec

by (author) Serge Durflinger

Capital and Labour in the British Columbia Forest Industry, 1934-74

by (author) Gordon Hak

Northern Exposures

Photographing and Filming the Canadian North, 1920-45

by (author) Peter Geller

Commanding Canadians

The Second World War Diaries of A.F.C. Layard

edited by Michael Whitby

No Place to Run

The Canadian Corps and Gas Warfare in the First World War

by (author) Tim Cook

RCN in Transition, 1910-1985

edited by W.A.B. Douglas

Growing Up British in British Columbia

Boys in Private School

by (author) Jean Barman

The Oriental Question

Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41

by (author) Patricia E. Roy

The Triumph of Citizenship

The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67

by (author) Patricia E. Roy

Nutrition Policy in Canada, 1870-1939

by (author) Aleck Samuel Ostry

From Maps to Metaphors

The Pacific World of George Vancouver

edited by Robin Fisher & Hugh Johnston

Fort Langley Journals, 1827-30

by (author) Morag Maclachlan

The Middle Power Project

Canada and the Founding of the United Nations

by (author) Adam Chapnick

The Tuamotu Islands and Tahiti

Volume 4 of Russia and the South Pacific, 1696-1840

by (author) Glynn Barratt

Frigates and Foremasts

The North American Squadron in Nova Scotia Waters 1745-1815

by (author) Julian Gwyn

The Roots of Ukrainian Nationalism

Galicia as Ukraine's Piedmont

by (author) Paul Robert Magocsi

A War of Patrols

Canadian Army Operations in Korea

by (author) William Johnston

Pierre Berton's War of 1812

by (author) Pierre Berton

Canada and the Changing Arctic

Sovereignty, Security, and Stewardship

by (author) Franklyn Griffiths, Rob Huebert & P. Whitney Lackenbauer

The United Church of Canada

A History

edited by Don Schweitzer

The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver

by (author) Chuck Davis

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