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Browse Books in History

Creating Historical Memory

English-Canadian Women and the Work of History

edited by Beverly Boutilier & Alison Prentice

Negotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montreal

edited by Bettina Bradbury & Tamara Myers

A Voyage to the North West Side of America

The Journals of James Colnett, 1786-89

by (author) Robert Galois

The Power of Words

Literacy and Revolution in South China, 1949-95

by (author) Glen Peterson

It's Up to You

Women at UBC in the Early Years

by (author) Lee Stewart

Distant Dominion

Britain and the Northwest Coast of North America, 1579-1809

by (author) Barry Gough

Laws and Societies in the Canadian Prairie West, 1670-1940

edited by Louis A. Knafla & Jonathan Swainger

Canada and Quebec

One Country, Two Histories: Revised Edition

by (author) Robert Bothwell

Tammarniit (Mistakes)

Inuit Relocation in the Eastern Arctic, 1939-63

by (author) Frank Tester & Peter Kulchyski

Hidden Dimensions

The Cultural Significance of Wetland Archaeology

by (author) Kathryn Bernick

Technology on the Frontier

Mining in Old Ontario

by (author) Dianne Newell

Will to Power

The Missionary Career of Father Morice

by (author) David Mulhall

So Much to Do, So Little Time

The Writings of Hilda Neatby

edited by Michael Hayden

Once Upon an Oldman

Special Interest Politics and the Oldman River Dam

by (author) Jack Glenn

Gold at Fortymile Creek

Early Days in the Yukon

by (author) Michael Gates

The Russians and Australia

Volume 1 of Russia and the South Pacific, 1696-1840

by (author) Glynn Barratt

The Culture of Flushing

A Social and Legal History of Sewage

by (author) Jamie Benidickson

Creating a Modern Countryside

Liberalism and Land Resettlement in British Columbia

by (author) James Murton

Guarding the Gates

The Canadian Labour Movement and Immigration, 1872-1934

by (author) David Goutor

Haida Gwaii

Human History and Environment from the Time of Loon to the Time of the Iron People

edited by Daryl W. Fedje & Rolf Mathewes

“Here Is Hell”

Canada's Engagement in Somalia

by (author) Grant Dawson

Objects of Concern

Canadian Prisoners of War Through the Twentieth Century

by (author) Jonathan F. Vance

Canadians Behind Enemy Lines, 1939-1945

by (author) Roy MacLaren

The Canadian Department of Justice and the Completion of Confederation 1867-78

by (author) Jonathan Swainger

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