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Browse Books in History

Manning Park

An All Seasons Playground

by (author) Lorraine Harris

Forecasting Your Future

Your Daily Cycle Guide for 1985

by (author) Cord MacIntire

Gold Along the Fraser

by (author) Loraine Harris


The Town That Gold Built

by (author) Lorraine Harris


by (author) Joan Weir

By Reason of Doubt

by (author) Ellen Godfrey

Brian Mulroney

The Boy from Baie-Comeau

by (author) Rae Murphy, Nick Auf der Maur & Robert Chodos

Letters from Windermere, 1912-1914

edited by R. Cole Harris & Elizabeth Phillips

The Mysteries of Montreal

Memoirs of a Midwife by Charlotte Fuhrer

edited by Peter Ward

Joseph Howe Volumes I & II

Conservative Reformer 1804-1848; The Briton Becomes Canadian 1848-1873

by (author) Beck J. Murray

The Best Gift

A Record of the Carnegie Libraries in Ontario

by (author) Margaret Beckman, Stephen Langmead & John Black

Alice Munro

by (author) Brenda Pfaus

Between France and New France

Life Aboard the Tall Sailing Ships

by (author) Gilles Proulx

Secular Socialists

The CCF/NDP in Ontario, A Biography

by (author) J.T. Morley

Quebec City

Architects, artisans, and builders

by (author) A.J.H. Richardson, Geneviève Bastien, Doris Dubé & Marthe Lacombe

Historique du nouvel emplacement du Musée national de l'Homme à Hull

by (author) Francine Brouseau

Pantagruel in Canada

by (author) Marius Barbeau

The Community Apart

A Case Study of a Canadian Indian Reserve Community

by (author) Yngve Georg Lithman

George Heriot

Postmaster-Painter of the Canadas

by (author) Gerald Finley

Remember Kirkland Lake

'The Gold Miners' Strike of 1941-42

by (author) Laurel Sefton MacDowell

The Phonological Interpretation of Ancient Greek

A Pandialectal Analysis

by (author) Vit Bubenik

A Year at Hartlebury, Or, The Election

by (author) Benjamin Disraeli & Sarah Disraeli

The Argentaye Tract

Edited from Paris, BN, Fonds Français 11,464

by (author) Alan Manning

Science, God, and Nature in Victorian Canada

The 1982 Joanne Goodman Lectures

by (author) Carl Berger

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