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Browse Books in History

Boundary Hunters, The

by (author) Lewis Green

Family, Power, and Politics in Egypt

Sayed Bey Mare--His Clan, Clients, and Cohorts

by (author) Robert Springborg

Racial Myth in English History

Trojans, Teutons, and Anglo-Saxons

by (author) Hugh A. MacDougall

Benjamin Disraeli Letters

1835-1837, Volume II

by (author) Benjamin Disraeli
edited by John Gunn, John Matthews, Donald Schurman & Melvin Wiebe

Benjamin Disraeli Letters

1815-1834, Volume I

by (author) Benjamin Disraeli
edited by John Gunn, John Matthews, Donald Schurman & Melvin Wiebe

The People's Clearance

Highland Emigration to British North America, 1770-1815

by (author) J.M. Bumsted

Nine Lives of a Cowboy

by (author) H. Dude Lavington

RCN in Retrospect, 1910-1968

edited by James A. Boutilier

A Flannel Shirt and Liberty

British Emigrant Gentlewomen in the Canadian West, 1880-1914

edited by Susan Jackel

Ethnic Vancouver

Walking, Shopping, and Eating Tours of the Ethnic Neighborhoods of Vancouver.

by (author) Anne Petrie

Western Indian Basketry, The Art and Style of

The Art and Style of

by (author) David Hancock


An Illustrated History

by (author) John Weaver

River of Tears

by (author) Maud Emery

Dcb Index

edited by Francess G. Halpenny & Jean Hamelin

Civilizing the West

The Galts and the development of western Canada

by (author) A.A. den Otter

The Adventures Of David Fanning in the American Revolutionary War

edited by A.W. Savary

Eleven Exiles

Accounts of Loyalists of the American Revolution

edited by Phyllis R. Blakeley & John Grant

Loyalist Literature

An Annotated Bibliographic Guide to the Writings on the Loyalists of the American Revolution

by (author) Robert S. Allen

Quebec Nationalism in Crisis

by (author) Dominique Clift

Glass manufacturing in Canada

A survey of pressed glass patterns

by (author) Barbara Lang Rottenberg & Judith Tomlin

Making Sense of Self

Medical Advice Literature in Late Nineteenth-Century America

by (author) Anita Clair Fellman & Michael Fellman

Eastern and Western Perspectives

Papers from the Joint Atlantic Canada/Western Canadian Studies Conference

edited by David Bercuson & Phillip Buckner

Acadia, Maine, and New Scotland

Marginal Colonies in the Seventeenth Century

by (author) John Reid

In the Children's Aid

J.J. Kelso and Child Welfare in Ontario

by (author) Andrew Jones & Leonard Rutman

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