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Browse Books in Health & Fitness

Bundle of Five Northern East Cree/Southern East Cree/French/English books from The Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee

by (author) Ruth Dyckfehderau

Becoming Sugar-Free

How to Break Up with Inflammatory Sugars and Embrace a Naturally Sweet Life

by (author) Julie Daniluk


Women Writing After Concussion

edited by E.D. Morin & Jane Cawthorne

Chaanithin lintin utipaachimuwin mistisiniihch uhchiiu / Chaanathan lintan utipaachimuwin, mistisiniiuiinuu / L'histoire de Jonathan Linton de Mistissini

The Story of Jonathan Linton of Mistissini

by (author) Ruth Dyckfehderau
with James Bay Cree Storytellers
translated by Luci Bobbish-Salt, Louise Blacksmith & Valérie Duro

Chaak utir utipaachimuwin waaswaanipiihch uhchiiu / Chaak atar utipaachimuwin, waaswaanipiiuiinuu / L'histoire de Jack Otter de Waswanipi

The Story of Jack Otter of Waswanipi

by (author) Ruth Dyckfehderau
with James Bay Cree Storytellers
translated by Luci Bobbish-Salt, Louise Blacksmith & Valérie Duro

Rus siwaalu utipaachimuwin chisaasiipiihch uhchiiu / Raas siwaalwaa utipaachimuwin, chisesiipiiuiinuu / L'histoire de Rose Swallow de Chisasibi

The Story of Rose Swallow of Chisasibi

by (author) Ruth Dyckfehderau
with James Bay Cree Storytellers
translated by Luci Bobbish-Salt, Louise Blacksmith & Valérie Duro

Emilii weslii utipaachimuwin uchepukumuu uhchiiu / Emilii weslii utipaachimuwin, uchepukumuuiinuu / L'histoire d'Emily Wesley d'Oujé-Bougoumou

The Story of Emily Wesley of Oujé-Bougoumou

by (author) Ruth Dyckfehderau
with James Bay Cree Storytellers
translated by Luci Bobbish-Salt, Louise Blacksmith & Valérie Duro

Chenivir kilwaariyaa lupes utipaachimuwin waaswaanipiihch uhchiiu = Chenivir kalwaariyaa lwaapes utipaachimuwin, waaswaanipiiuiinuu / L'histoire de Jennifer Gloria Lowpez de Waswanipi

The Story of Jennifer Gloria Lowpez of Waswanipi

by (author) Ruth Dyckfehderau
with James Bay Cree Storytellers
translated by Luci Bobbish-Salt, Louise Blacksmith & Valérie Duro

Teaching about Sex and Sexualities in Higher Education

edited by Susan Hillock

The Perfect Medicine

How Running Makes Us Healthier and Happier

by (author) Brodie Ramin

Supporting Children and Their Families Facing Health Inequities in Canada

edited by Miriam J. Stewart

Herb Gardening for Beginners

A Simple Guide to Growing & Using Culinary and Medicinal Herbs at Home

by (author) Marc Thoma

Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Policy Gain or Confidence Game?

edited by Katherine Fierlbeck, Janice Graham & Matthew Herder

Homegrown Cannabis

A Beginner's Guide to Cultivating Organic Cannabis

by (author) Alexis Burnett

Lyme Disease in Canada

The tick-borne epidemic you need to know about — now!

by (author) Brian Owens


Self-Love, Yoga, and Making a Better World--A Handbook

by (author) Ally Maz

The Art of Plant-Based Cheesemaking, Second Edition

How to Craft Real, Cultured, Non-Dairy Cheese

by (author) Karen McAthy

When Politics Comes Before Patients

Why and How Canadian Medicare is Failing

by (author) Shawn Whatley

The Menopause Manifesto

Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism

by (author) Jen Gunter

Just Decide!

A guide to your Body, Mind & Spirit Agreements

by (author) Carrie Brooks

Lumière sur la réforme du système de santé au Nouveau-Brunswick

Évolution, jeux d’acteurs et instruments

by (author) Stéphanie Collin


My Life-Altering, Eye-Opening Journey from Infertility to Motherhood

by (author) Alex Johnston

Conscious De-Stress Guide

by (author) Lise Leblanc

Conscious De-Stress Guide Workbook

by (author) Lise Leblanc

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