Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Caillou: Quand je serai grand
Livre animé (pop-up)

Caillou: Avec ma famille
Livre animé (pop-up)

SuperMom and the Big Baby

On a Medieval Day
Story Voyages around the World

Made That Way

The Snowball Effect
EDU Reference Custom (10 Sports Stories Box Set Fall 2010)

Fast Slide

The Last Loon

Liars and Fools

Colette and the Silver Samovar


Silver Rain

L'effet manga
(Manga Touch)

Richard Was a Picker

Frappee par la foudre

Les Casse-Cous
(Daredevil Club)

The Snowball Effect

Fast Slide



The Queen's Secret

A Porcupine in a Pine Tree
A Canadian 12 Days of Christmas