Browse Books in Children's Fiction

The Hunchback Assignments

The Oracle Rebounds

The Glory Wind

Peter's Christmas Eve Adventure

Baby's Lullaby

Jack and the Manger
A Christmas Jack Tale

The Steps Across the Water

Mia, Matt and the Lazy Gator

Gadzooks the Christmas Goose
The Christmas Goose

The Alligator in Naomi's Pillow

Naming Book of Rascally Rhymes, The

Orca Soundings Audiobooks

Crosby and Me

Lorimer Sports Stories (1 of 8 Soccer Book Box Set)
Lorimer Sports Stories (1 of 12 Hockey Book Box Set)

Rude Stories

Ghost Trackers
The Unreal World of Ghosts, Ghost-Hunting, and the Paranormal

It's Not about the Rose!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

It's Not about the Crumbs!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

It's Not about the Pumpkin!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

It's Not about the Apple!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

The Prince Of Two Tribes
The Changeling Series

It's Not about the Hunter!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales