Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Swimming with Piranhas
Surviving the Politics of Professional Wrestling

The Stoker
Ten Years Fighting Red Aggression and Other Social Diseases in the Service of One's Country

Revolutionary Traveller
Freeze-Frames From a Life

Justice Bertha Wilson
One Woman’s Difference

The Little Coat
The Bob and Sue Elliott Story

From Fox Moths to Jet Rangers
A Bush Pilot's Life

Sans Limites
La vie exceptionnelle des jumelles Rhona et Rhoda Wurtele, Olympiennes et pionnieres du ski au Canada.

Paris TImes Eight
Finding Myself in the City of Dreams

A Life in the News
Joan and Goodrige
My Life with Goodridge Roberts
A Psychiatrist's Memoir

Politics, People, and Pot-Pourri

Hell or High Water
My Life in and out of Politics

Don Cherry's Hockey Stories and Stuff

The As It Happens Files
Radio That May Contain Nuts

The Riverbones
Stumbling After Eden in the Jungles of Suriname

Neil and Me

The Young, the Restless, and the Dead
Interviews with Canadian Filmmakers

Children of the Outer Dark
The Poetry of Christopher Dewdney

Let the Games Begin
My Life with Olympians, Hockey Heroes and Other Good Sports
A Long Walk from the Prairies

Hope and Despair
My Struggle to Free My Husband, Maher Arar

Last Canadian Beer pb
The Moosehead Story