Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Now You Know Royalty

Doctor's Notes, A
Taken from Both Sides of the Bedsheets

A People on the Move
The Métis of the Western Plains

Mi'sel Joe
An Aboriginal Chief’s Journey

Mi'sel Joe
An Aboriginal Chief�s Journey

The Boys of '62: transcending the racial divide (Limited Second Edition)
Vaughan Furriers Maritime Junior Baseball Champions

Where the Clouds Can Go

Silent Heros

The Life and Art of Frank Molnar, Jack Hardman & LeRoy Jensen

Never Shoot a Stampede Queen
A Rookie Reporter in the Cariboo

Bannock and Beans
A Cowboy's Account of the Bedaux Expedition

The 30-Second Commute
A Non-Fiction Comedy about Writing and Working From Home

Theo Tams: Inside the Music

griddle talk
a yeer uv bill n carol dewing brunch

Native Chiefs and Famous Métis
Leadership and Bravery in the Canadian West

Rebel Women of the Gold Rush
Extraordinary Achievements and Daring Adventures

Flight Of The Dragonfly

Rocky Mountain Madness
A Historical Miscellany

This Book is Broken
A Broken Social Scene Story

Bright Seas, Pioneer Spirits
A History of the Sunshine Coast

Retiring the Crow Rate
A Narrative of Political Management

Jimmy Simpson
Legend of the Rockies

The Scalpel, the Sword
The Story of Doctor Norman Bethune

R.E.A.L., from the Edge of the Rock
... a Newfoundland Memoir (2nd Printing)