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Browse Books in Art

Joe Fafard

by (author) Terrence Heath

The Guerilla Art Kit

Everything You Need to Put Your Message out into the World

by (author) Keri Smith

Tsimshian Treasures

The Remarkable Journey of the Dundas Collection

by (author) Donald Ellis
contributions by Stephen Brown, Sarah Milroy, Allan Hoover & Bill Hom

Monster Island Three

edited by Billy Mavreas

Kandinsky Drawings: Volume Two: Sketchbooks

Catalogue Raisonne

by (author) Hans K. Roethel

Voices Rising

Asian Canadian Cultural Activism

by (author) Xiaoping Li

Marianna Schmidt

by (author) Robin Laurence, Bill Jeffries & Darrin Martens

Northwest Native Arts: Creative Colors 2

by (author) Robert E. Stanley Sr.

Wild Roses

Memories of a Homesteader's Daughter

by (author) dutchie Rutledge-Mathison

Images from the Neocerebellum

by (artist) George A. Walker

On Site With Maurice Haycock Artist of the Arctic

Paintings and Drawings of Historical Sites in the Canadian Arctic

by (author) Maurice Haycock

Transitions of a Still Life

Ceramic Works by Tam Irving

by (author) Carol Mayer

Alberta Art and Artists

An Overview

by (author) Patricia Ainslie & Mary-Beth Laviolette

Pictorial Illusionism

The Theatre of Steele MacKaye

by (author) J.A. Sokalski

Denise Hawrysio

Situational Prints

by (author) Ian Wallace & Bill Jeffries

Miller Brittain

Quand les étoiles jetèrent leurs lances

by (author) Tom Smart

Miller Brittain

When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears

by (author) Tom Smart

F.H. Varley

Portraits into the Light/Mise en lumière des portraits

by (author) Katerina Atanassova

The Life of Bernini

by (author) Fillipo Baldinucci
translated by Catherine Enggass
edited by Maarten Delbeke, Steven F. Ostrow & Evonne Levy

Vancouver Art & Economies

edited by Melanie O'Brian


A Sketchbook

by (author) Emily Carr
introduction by Ian Thom

Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada

Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada

by (author) Keith Banting, Thomas J. Courchene & F. Leslie Seidle

The Sultan's Procession

The Swedish Embassy to Sultan Mehmed IV in 1657-1658 and the Ralamb Paintings

edited by Karin Adahl

Britannia’s Palette

The Arts of Naval Victory

by (author) Nicholas Tracy

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