Browse Books in Art
Britannia's Palette
The Arts of Naval Victory

Art at Work/L'Art au Travail
Art Bank of the Canada Council of the Arts/ Le banque d'œuvres d'art du Conseil des Arts du Canada

Art and War

Kandinsky Drawings: Volume 1

18 Illuminations
Contemporary Art and Light

Disassembling the Archive
Fiona Tan

Viktor Tinkl
Making Things

David Blatherwick
Cheese, Worms and the Holes in Everything

Euan Macdonald
Selected Standards

Vera Jacyk
Chysto, Chysto, Chysto

Janet Read
Ocean as Vessel

Beyond the Silhouette
Fashion and the Women of Historic Kingston

Mary Anne Barkhouse
Boreal Baroque

Fragile Nature
Brent Bukowski and Kathryn Ward

Mark Nisenholt
Stranger in Paradise

Lyla Rye
Hop Scotch

Vestiges de l'indiscipline
Environnements d'art et anarchitectures

Art Smart
The Intelligent Guide to Investing in the Canadian Art Market

Medici Women
Portraits of Power, Love, and Betrayal in the Court of Duke Cosimo I
Modern Art and the Idea of the Mediterranean

From Drawing to Visual Culture
A History of Art Education in Canada

Bruno Bobak
The Full Palette

Reta Summers Cowley

Transference, Tradition, Technology
Native New Media Exploring Visual and Digital Culture