Julie Booker Posts

Notes from a Children's Librarian: PEI Books
There's more to PEI's children's literature than just Anne Shirley.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Newfoundland Books
Our Children's Librarian columnist, Julie Booker, brings us a new view from the stacks every month.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Art Books
Six books to appeal to the young artist.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Wild Summer Fun
Sky and earth, large scale to small, these books cover the gamut of wild summer fun.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Aboriginal Stories
Each month, Julie Booker, our resident Children's Librarian, brings us a new view from the stacks.

Top Shelf: Best of Julie Booker's Notes From a Children's Librarian
For quite some time, Ms. Julie Booker, children's librarian and author of the critically acclaimed Up Up Up, has been knocking out incredible posts for …

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Funny Books for Young Readers
Where are the funny books? Julie Booker gives us the scoop.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books for Black History Month
Julie Booker shares a reading list about Canadian black history.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Equine Books for the Year of the Horse
Julie Booker offers up horse books in anticipation of the Lunar New Year.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Books With Sole(s)
Our resident children's librarian on big ideas and books about shoes.