Your Nickel's Worth Publishing
Books from this publisher

A Clear Christmas Eve

Where's Johnny?
The Tale of a Lost Cat

ABC... Yes, You Can!

When We Had Sled Dogs (soft cover)
A Story from the Trapline—ācimowin ohci wanihikīskanāhk

Lost Treasure on the Circle Star Ranch

Tyler Evans the Great

The Treasure Box

The Gnomes of Boundary Bog
Short Stories

awāsi-nēhiyawēwin masinahikanis ayisīyiniwak—A Little Plains Cree Colouring Book
Plains Cree People

Seagull Island—kiyāsko-miniscikos

Lola's Woolly Jumper

The Last Green Dragon

Nature's Apprentices (hard cover)
The Magic of the Peatlands

Nature's Apprentices (soft cover)
The Magic of the Peatlands

Jessie the Doo-Doo Dog and the Visitors from Outer Space

A Silly Willy Christmas

A Farm in the Forest Story

Shepherd's Call

Shepherd's Call

The 1-Dogpower Garden Team

Wake Up, Jacob!

Adventures on the Circle Star Ranch

Bee a Friend

Ride, Gabe, Ride

Let's Fly!
A Dragon's Quest in Saskatoon

peepeekisis ātayōhkēwina
Sacred Stories of Peepeekisis Cree Nation

How's Peanut?

Baba's Babushka
Magical Ukrainian Adventures


Raymond Raindrop
and Swings & Things

Baxter and the Blue Bunny