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Tradewind Books

Books from this publisher


by (author) Robert D. San Souci & Stefan Czernecki

If I Had a Million Onions

by (author) Sheree Fitch
illustrated by Yayo

Nannycatch Chronicles

by (author) James Heneghan & Bruce McBay

A Telling Time

Illustrated by Kathryn Shoemaker

by (author) Irene N. Watts
illustrated by Kathryn E. Shoemaker

For Sure! For Sure!

by (author) Hans Christian Andersen & Stefan Czernecki
translated by Mus White

Floyd the Flamingo and His Flock of Friends

by (author) Tiffany Stone
illustrated by Kathryn E. Shoemaker

The Sorcerer's Letterbox

by (author) Simon Rose

Bone Collector's Son

by (author) Paul Yee

The Island of the Minotaur

by (author) Sheldon Oberman
illustrated by Blair Drawson

Rescuing Einstein's Compass

by (author) Shulamith Levey Oppenheim & George Juhasz

The Sea King

by (author) Jane Yolen & Shulamith Levey Oppenheim
illustrated by Stefan Czernecki

Jewish Fairy Tale Feasts

A Literary Cookbook

by (author) Jane Yolen & Sima Elizabeth Shefrin
contributions by Heidi Stemple

Zoo At Night

by (author) Michael Rosen

Pacific Tree Frogs

by (author) Leslie E. Owen
illustrated by George Juhasz

The Alchemist's Portrait

by (author) Simon Rose

My Animal Friends

by (author) R. David Stephens
illustrated by Kathryn E. Shoemaker

Jade Necklace

by (author) Paul Yee

The Jade Necklace

by (author) Paul Yee
illustrated by Grace Lin

Aziz the Storyteller

by (author) Vi Hughes
illustrated by Stefan Czernecki


by (author) Glenda Leznoff
illustrated by Rachel Berman

Strange Beginnings

by (author) Karen Needham

Aziz the Storyteller

by (author) Vi Hughes
illustrated by Stefan Czernecki

The Girl Who Lost Her Smile

by (author) Karim Alrawi
illustrated by Stefan Czernecki

Wherever Bears Be

by (author) Sue Ann Alderson
illustrated by Arden Johnson

Abby's Birds

by (author) Ellen Schwartz
illustrated by Sima Elizabeth Shefrin

Mama God, Papa God

by (author) Richardo Keens Douglas
illustrated by Stefan Czernecki

Where Are My Onions?

by (author) Paulette Sarmonpal
illustrated by Silvia Vignale

Mr. Belinsky's Bagels

by (author) Ellen Schwartz
illustrated by Stefan Czernecki

Maudie and the Green Children

by (author) Adrian Mitchell
illustrated by Sigune Hamann

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