Conversations About Motherhood
Two years ago, The M Word: Conversations about Motherhood was published, a book that broadened our understanding about motherhood and womanhood. And extra-textually, The M Word has been part of a larger conversation about motherhood. Here are some other excellent books that have been contributing to that conversation as well.

The M Word
Conversations about Motherhood

One Kind Word
Women Share their Abortion Experiences

Double Pregnant
Two Lesbians Make a Family

Encounters with My Runaway Mother

Know the Night
A Memoir of Survival in the Small Hours

Where's the Mother?
Stories from a Transgender Dad

Mothers of the Village
Why All Moms Need the Support of a Motherhood Community and How to Find It For Yourself

The Bad Mother

Not the Whole Story
Challenging the Single Mother Narrative


What We Once Believed

Mommyblogs and the Changing Face of Motherhood

Listen to the Squawking Chicken
When Mother Knows Best, What's a Daughter To Do? A Memoir (Sort Of)

Birding with Yeats
A Mother's Memoir

Joy Is So Exhausting


Between Interruptions
30 Women Tell the Truth About Motherhood

The Mother Zone

A Life in Essays

Bear With Me
What They Don't Tell You About Pregnancy and New Motherhood

Sweet Devilry

Out of Grief, Singing
A Memoir of Motherhood and Loss

The House with the Broken Two
A Birthmother Remembers

Mongoose Diaries, The
Excerpts from a mother's first year