In BC, the first weekend in August is a long weekend, celebrating BC Day. It's also the same weekend as Pride, a celebration of the LGBTQ community. Some of these books are political, some of them are academic, some of them are by LGBTQ-identified authors, others just include LGBTQ characters.


Iskooniguni Iskweewuk
The Rez Sisters in its original version: Cree

The Inquisition Yours

A novel about a boy and his nipples

Natural Order

Song and Spectacle

100 Crushes

I Like It Like That
True Stories of Gay Male Desire

For the Boy with the Eyes of the Virgin
Selected Poems

Quivering Land

Two-Spirit Acts
Queer Indigenous Performances

Age of Minority
Three Solo Plays

On Loving Women

Artificial Cherry

The Architecture of UNB
The Attic, the Pearls & Three Fine Girls

This Tremor Love Is

Vancouver Poems Then and Now

The Given

Lemon Hound

Breathing the Page
Reading the Act of Writing

Holding Still For As Long As Possible

Bottle Rocket Hearts